Network PATH

Effortlessly deduce the most efficient network paths for your data

bgp route dashboard

Resolve roadblocks in any network path for frictionless digital experiences

Extend your troubleshooting capabilities using Catchpoint’s active observers in a single, unified platform. Consolidate tools supporting hybrid environments and horizontally scale your remote network troubleshooting.

Extend your troubleshooting abilities
to the far corners of the Internet

illustrated network path sankey

Clearly view network paths

View full physical and logical paths for deep visibility into all Internet network segments.

Conduct mesh testing easily

Run network mesh testing from Enterprise Nodes in your premises to consolidate network interdependency views.

Utilize 1,000+ BGP peers

Harness the largest number of commercially-available BGP peers available in the industry, including IPv4 and IPv6, to optimize network resources.

Stop Internet outages in their tracks. We can help.

Improve your signal-to-noise ratio

See everything from day one

Visualize network segments and performance issues with out-of-the-box integrations.

Eliminate tool sprawl

Reduce the number of different tools needed for apps, infrastructure, clients, and overall experiences.

Expand observer coverage

Collect network telemetry from different distances and sources to accelerate triage and fault-isolation.

illustrated network path screenshot

Vashimi Dudi

Web Operations Administrator

In the last year and a half since switching to Catchpoint, our reliability has improved and remained at a high level. Prior to working with Catchpoint, we dedicated significant time to examining errors that were not related to our website. Catchpoint is now saving our team time and resources wasted on troubleshooting on false positives.
Solution Brief

Internet Stack Map

Online Guide

BGP Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet

Solution Brief

Network Experience

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