customer story


Catchpoint Provides the “Wow” Factor for Closing Business
Close business faster
Increase revenue

Teridion provides performance optimization for consumer-facing sites. Teridion partners with Catchpoint to:

  • Garner insight into customers' global site performance both with and without Teridion KumoX.
  • Share independent performance data with existing customers.
  • Validate Teridion's internal monitoring system.
  • Gain insight into the best possible network optimization paths around the world.
$8.1 Million
Herzliya, Israel
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We’re able to provision a Teridion customer fast lane very quickly, and Catchpoint allows us to immediately show the performance gains that Teridion provides, side-by-side vs. regular Internet. This gives us a way to demonstrate rapid time-to-value for our customers. The rich analytics features allow us to break down performance gains by percentile, raw response times, and geography. It has been an invaluable tool for our sales process, as well as a key way we measure our customer success over time.

Uri Livnat
VP of Operations


Given their value proposition of improving end user experience, Teridion requires an observability tool to show how a site will perform both with and without the KumoXSM service.

They utilize their own internal monitoring agents, which are deployed in hundreds of public cloud data centers. These measurement agents provide real-time data on availability, latency, and throughput between each node, which is then assembled to create a global heat map of the Internet. This information feeds the Teridion Management System (TMS), an orchestration engine driven by machine learning.

The TMS determines where to spin up Teridion Cloud Routers (TCR) to create the optimal path between an application or content provider’s origin servers and their target end users, and adjusts this dynamically to route around changing conditions like congestion or outages. To enhance their credibility, an unbiased third-party observability tool is needed to confirm the performance improvement that their service provides to both prospects and existing customers.

Catchpoint has become an integral part of Teridion's sales process as this third-party observability solution. Catchpoint's extensive data and different ways Teridion is able to share this Catchpoint data with outside users makes it easy for Teridion to educate and inform their client base.


“Our customers choose Teridion to accelerate user access to their SaaS applications by 10x or better globally. We’re able to provision a Teridion customer fast lane very quickly, and Catchpoint allows us to immediately show the performance gains that Teridion provides, side-by-side vs. regular Internet. This gives us a way to demonstrate rapid time-to-value for our customers. The rich analytics features allow us to break down performance gains by percentile, raw response times, and geography. It has been an invaluable tool for our sales process, as well as a key way we measure our customer success over time," says Uri Livnat, Teridon VP of Operations.

The Catchpoint digital experience monitoring platform is used by the Teridion operations team, as well as their sales team for both pre- and post-sales activities. It is also integrated into the KumoX customer portal.

From an operations standpoint, Catchpoint’s expansive global observation infrastructure, wide-ranging test types, and in-depth charting capabilities allow the Teridion team to compare performance for Teridion KumoX fast lanes versus the regular Internet.

Teridion can measure performance close to where the end users are located, which allows the operations team to validate that the TMS is selecting the right locations and routes for the TCRs from an external unbiased viewpoint. It is a key part of how they validate that KumoX is working as intended, and that the Teridion’s performance is in fact the best at any given time in a specific country or city, or on a specific cloud provider.

The Catchpoint platform also helps with the Teridion sales process, where it’s used as a trusted third party to validate the performance of KumoX in comparison to regular Internet. Not only does it provide the Teridion sales team with the ability to show the availability and performance benefits of Teridion broken down by geography or network, but the ability to deploy custom visualizations also allow them to present the data in a format that is most meaningful to a particular sales prospect.

For existing Teridion customers, Catchpoint allows for continuous proof of the value of the KumoX service. Customers can check ongoing performance metrics of KumoX versus regular Internet, both as an overall X-factor and by geographic region. This data is displayed directly within the Teridion portal via Catchpoint APIs.


Catchpoint has become an integral part of the Teridion sales process. The Catchpoint tool provides a “wow” factor for prospects to show how their performance can improve using Teridion’s service, and continues to provide unbiased comparisons of performance before and after Teridion KumoX in the same portal.

Teridion also uses Catchpoint to provide visibility for customers and for troubleshooting. By using both the Catchpoint backbone and last mile observers, Teridion is also able to illustrate the difference between their optimization service and factors that are out of their control.

In one instance, a client’s concerns about slow performance in Japan were assuaged when Teridion was able to prove that their service was still providing 10x faster performance in the data center (using backbone nodes), which then decreased to 2x at the end user’s location (using last mile nodes). This capability enables Teridion to help their customers pinpoint the true source of performance issues, which is crucial to Teridion’s goals of customer satisfaction and retention.

“In Operations, the Catchpoint system allows us to test network performance from hundreds of locations around the world from an external unbiased service. Catchpoint's intuitive setup allows us to configure tests in minutes, so any changes are easily implemented. We use Catchpoint’s dashboard capabilities for at-a-glance performance visibility across our global customer base," says Livnat.