Blog Post

50 SRE Twitter Accounts to Follow

February 14, 2020
 mins read

in this blog post

[Updated March 2021]

This year, as we run the fourth annual SRE Survey, we decided it was about time to update our list of the top site reliability engineers to follow on Twitter. Last year the list topped out at 50. This year we’ve upped our game – we’ve got 60 on the list! So, grab a coffee, pull up Twitter, and check out these SREs, making noise about DevOps culture, the latest book releases, and the cutting-edge tech they’re excited about.

We’ve loosely categorized these 60 SRE accounts into the following broad categories:

  • SREs in the Cloud
  • SREs, DevOps, ITOps, and Beyond
  • Scaling SRE across Networks, Infrastructure, and More
  • SRE Advocates at Large

SREs in each category are listed in alphabetical order and we’ve included a tease of each SRE’s Twitter feed. Make sure to start following these accounts ASAP! And if you think we’ve missed anyone, please give a shout out to us @Catchpoint – we’d love to hear your recs!

SREs in the Cloud

These SREs share the latest on all things related to the cloud. If you’re looking for tips, best practices, or the latest industry news on cloud computing look no further!

Yaniv Aknin | @aknin

Senior Staff SRE at Google focused on working with GCP teams to define and meet high-quality SLOs. Ankin is a great tweeter of personal anecdotes and opinions about general tech culture. Also, he is a frequent retweeter of trending SRE and service management topics.

Bridget Kromhout | @bridgetkromhout

Bridget, a cloud-native OSS PM at Azure, tweets to over 34,000 followers. Follow Bridget for insights into what’s new in containerization, CNCF initiatives, and diversity issues in and out of tech.

Blake Bisset | @BlakeBisset

Blake Bisset is Head of Reliability Engineering at Azure. He recently contributed to several books, including 97 Things Every SRE Should Know edited by @jaimewoo and @EmilStolarsky and Implementing Service Level Objectives by @ahidalgosre. In his Twitter feed, Blake combines humor with insights into building, deploying, monitoring, and maintaining systems that are secure and reliable.

Caskey Dickson | @caskey

Caskey describes himself as “just a guy trying to help people run things in the cloud.” He focuses on SRE, operations, monitoring, and DevOps with very few personal comments and lots of re-tweeting of prominent folks in the field.

David Blank-Edelman | @otterbook

In his role as Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, David Blank-Edelman focuses on modern operations and site reliability engineering. He’s a frequent speaker on site reliability engineering, most recently at NLUUG. Blank-Edelman was one of the co-founders of SREcon. His Twitter feed yields insights into the latest conferences around SRE and DevOps intermixed with a good dose of humor about travel, kids, and culture.

Gustavo Franco | @stratus

Gustavo Franco is a Google SRE ’07 class member and frequently shares tips for new companies on how to ensure your SRE team is successful.

Brendan Gregg | @brendangregg

Brendan is a cloud computing performance expert at Netflix where he focuses on large-scale computer performance, design, analysis, and tuning. He’s an active author and blogger in the SRE/tech space with a specific focus on Linux and application observability. He has a whopping follower count of 35,000.

Jason Hand | @jasonhand

Jason Hand is the Senior Cloud Ops Advocate at Microsoft and in 2016, was named “DevOps Evangelist of the Year” by He recently authored a book on the topic of site reliability engineering and frequently writes, presents, and coaches on the subject, alongside DevOps and modern incident management practices. He has a great, highly tech-focused feed, followed by over 12,000 people. Plus, Jason is co-host of “Community Pulse,” a podcast on building community in tech.

Alex Hidalgo | @ahidalgosre

Alex is the director of SRE at @nobl9inc and author of The SLO Book. Ex-Google, Squarespace, and “the service industry”.

Addy Osmani | @addyosmani

Addy is an Engineering Manager leading a speed team on Google Chrome, “trying to make the web fast.” Osmani tweets to over 250,000 followers and is widely followed in the SRE community. Follow Addy for a mainly tech-focused feed, often related to metrics.

Chris Schrier | @schrierc

Chris is a Senior SRE at Google and his Twitter feed mixes highlights from the latest DevOps conferences, SRE trending topics, tech-related anecdotes and insights into his life as a parent.

Stephen Thorne | @jerub

Stephen is an SRE in London, where he works on the Google Cloud Platform. Co-editor of the Site Reliability Handbook and a frequent blogger on SRE-related issues.

Seth Vargo | @sethvargo

Seth is an engineer for Google Cloud and an author with a highly active Twitter account with over 18,000 followers. Seth mainly covers SRE-related issues and often highlights zeitgeist trends.

SREs, DevOps, ITOps, and Beyond

“What’s in a name” isn’t a question for these performance-focused experts whose Twitter feeds bridge field divides. Whether your team is going by the name SRE, DevOps, ITOps, or something else, make sure to follow these accounts today.

Mekka Okereke | @mekkaokereke

Tweeting out to almost 26,000 followers, Mekka “My Mask Protects You” Okereke, is the Director of Engineering in Play Growth at Google. He regularly offers insights into best practices in tech, including how to run anonymous code reviews, building inclusive teams, and being a collaborative asset to your org.

Syeda Kauser Inamdar | @codealatte

Syeda is a Software Engineer at LinkedIn and a frequent speaker at tech conferences. Follow Syeda if you love coding, creativity, and cake!

Julia Evans | @b0rk

Author and illustrator of the amazing with a whopping 183,000 follower count. Julia frequently shares news about her latest tools and zines, designed to help SREs, DevOps and programmers better understand a wide array of topics from DNS queries to nginx config files.

John Allspaw | @allspaw

John is the co-founder of @AdaptiveCLabs with the goal of bringing resilience engineering to the industry. He tweets about incident analysis, data and metrics, and building adaptability into complex systems. There’s also the occasional cocktail tip.

Riley Berton | @rileyberton

Berton is the Principal SRE at MLB. He’s been in the game for a while as he was formerly with Circonus and Appnexus. Berton is a heavy re-tweeter of SRE-apposite Tweets.

Tiarnán de Burca | @NYCDubliner

This SRE manager at @Squarespace offers an enjoyable feed that mixes up SRE and DevOps news, wider tech and security issues, and politics.

Steph Hippo | @stephhippo

An SRE Manager at Google, Hippo tweets about site reliability engineering from within the original SRE team, as well as soccer, her very sweet dog and incident management. Sometimes in unique combinations.

Lorin Hochstein | @norootcause

Lorin describes work at Netflix as “putting the engineering in computer science and the science in software eng.” This Twitter feed focuses on resilience, reliability, and monitoring with admirably simple eloquence.

Jonah Horowitz | @jonahhorowitz

As an SRE Manager at Apple and previously at Stripe and Netflix, Jonah tweets about tech and SRE-related topics with a few cat GIFs thrown in for good measure.

Tom Limoncelli | @yesthattom

Tom is an SRE at Stack Overflow, an international speaker, DevOps advocate, author, and blogger in the tech/SRE space. He’s a co-author of two books about systems and cloud administration. His feed mixes up DevOps, SRE, tech, and politics often with a good dose of humor.

Effie Mouzeli | @manjiki

Effie is an SRE for Wikipedia who tweets about general tech news, conference highlights, and automation vs. human management of systems, all with a good dose of humor.

Ana Oprea | @0xa6ea

Ana’s an active tweeter on topics around tech, respect, inclusion, security, and reliability. Also, Oprea’s a co-editor of Building Secure and Reliable Systems for O’Reilly and founder of @BSidesMunich.

Jennifer Petoff | @jennski

Jennifer is a Program Manager for Google’s SRE team in Dublin, Ireland who co-edited the SREBook. A great Twitter feed for students looking for SRE-related opportunities as Jennifer frequently posts about student opportunities with Google and elsewhere.

Theo Schlossnagle | @postwait

An SRE and founder of Circonus, Sparkpost, Omniti, and Fontdeck, Theo is an active speaker at conferences and an active tweeter. His feed mixes tech, politics and work culture that goes out to over 5,000 followers. Prepare for lots of humor.

Charity Majors | @mipsytipsy

Charity is CTO at and formerly of Parse, Facebook, and Linden Lab. She co-wrote Database Reliability Engineering. Charity tweets to an audience of 45,000+ followers about tech-related and service management topics, in particular, “building humane, high performing teams and aligning the incentives of engineers and users.”

Amy Tobey | @MissAmyTobey

Amy is the Staff SRE at Blameless and her account often calls out the difference between site reliability engineering at the huge tech players vs. SMEs and SMBs. She’s a user advocate and an active blogger with a strong presence on GitHub.

Chad Todd | @ctoddkicker1

A self-described “Resilience Engineering Fanatic” and SRE Advocate, Todd’s active Twitter feed mixes human-related and tech stories. He also routinely shares carefully curated insights from the wider SRE community.

Stephanie Van Dyk | @sevandyk

Stephanie’s feed offers a great mix of tech and personal news, often interlinked. She shares insight into computing and DevOps from a fresh POV; case in point, a series of tweets and planned speech linking looms, weavers, and the impact of technology.

Jaime Woo | @jaimewoo

Woo is a co-founder of Incident Labs, a startup focused on best practices for incident management, and an award-nominated writer who has been published in The Globe, Financial Post, and The Advocate. He is a strong presence and regular speaker in the SRE community, as well as a very active Twitter user (with over 5,000 followers). Woo’s account mixes unusual tech tidbits with fiery political energy and personal anecdotes. He’s a keen advocate of discussing better practices to support better mental health in the workplace. He recently edited 97 Things Every SRE Should Know with @EmilStolarsky.

Scaling SRE across Networks, Infrastructure, and More

More services, more problems? Not for these experts who focus on scaling up and across to deliver enhanced performance across increasingly complex systems, networks, and digital architectures.

Tim Kadlec | @tkadlec

OK, Tim may now be working with Catchpoint on WebPageTest, but we can’t help but include him on this list as a leading figure in the SRE space with his healthy Twitter presence and a follower count of over 12,000. Follow Tim for insights into web vitals, performance issues to watch for, and how the Internet works, as well of course as all that’s new for WebPageTest.

Jojo Antonio | @grantsucceeded

Jojo is a Senior Engineering Manager at Twitter and was formerly at Google, YouTube, PayPal, and eBay. He Tweets about Twitter SRE issues and teamwork, mixed in with insights from the Dalai Lama.

Gianluca Arbezzano | @GianArb

Gianluca is a Principal Engineer @EquinixMetal and describes himself as a Docker Captain and CNCF Ambassador. Arbezzano’s active Twitter account typically focuses on containerization, monitoring, and database issues.

— Gianluca (@GianArb) March 8,, I am up to something fun… I can power control my NUC with a RPi…

Tanya Reilly | @whereistanya

Brooklyn-based Principal Engineer at Squarespace, Tanya shares info and insights into SRE work, infrastructure, architecture, teamwork, the direction of tech, and the product engineering world.

You can take an engineer out of SRE but apparently you can't take SRE out of the engineer February 26, 2021— Tanya Reilly (@whereistanya)

George Beech | @GABeech

George leads the IT Automation team at Take-Two Games and is a speaker at LISA, VelocityNYC, local user groups, and LOPSA-EAST. He is also a frequent blogger focusing on the high-volume web infrastructure. Following George promises a Twitter feed that frequently offers strong opinions on SRE and tech-related trends.

I spend more time resolving docker and k8s issues than i every did fighting dependancy hell— George Beech (@GABeech) February 16, 2021

Henri Helvetica | @HenriHelvetica

Henri was a popular speaker at last year’s #SREfromhome. Follow his lively, humorous Twitter feed to gain up-to-the-minute gems on web vitals, Internet resiliency and performance issues of all stripes and sizes.

(@HenriHelvetica) March 12, 2021#webperf #perfmatters — Henri Helvetica v2.0.0 I've been working as a quasi sous-chef on a project, to be served soon, and I'm super duper excited. details sooooon…  @towebperf

**Tammy Butow | @**tammyxbryan

Tammy is the principal SRE at Gremlin where she focuses on “breaking systems on purpose to identify data loss and reliability vulnerabilities.” She has a strong Twitter following of over 12,000 and a friendly feed tweeting about SRE-related issues, especially chaos engineering.

@tammyxbryantChaos Engineering: When The Network Breaks@GremlinInc, Principal SRE @ February 2, 2021"Chaos Engineering is a disciplined approach to identifying failures before they become outages." by — Conf42 (@conf42com)

Nick Craver | @Nick_Craver

Nick’s Twitter profile describes him as a dad and architecture lead at Stack Overflow while his website declares he is a “Software Imagineer.” If you like a Twitter feed with enthusiasm, personality, and flair, join Nick’s 37,000 followers.

March 11, 2021— Nick Craver (@Nick_Craver) I'd estimate hundreds of millions a year are wasted by skipping over the "what problem are we trying to solve?" step, and spinning wheels with copious amounts of uncertainty because you don't know, even at the basic level, what the thing you're building is supposed to improve.

Evan Gilman | @evan2645

Evan Gilman is a former Network Engineer turned SRE at VMware with a background in protocol analysis, distributed systems design, and network security whose passion lies in “designing systems which strike a balance with the network they run on.” Gilman is co-author of Zero Trust Networks, a highly focused tech feed with plenty of industry retweets. looking forward to seeing you there! November 18, 2019— Evan Gilman (@evan2645)  If you find yourself in San Diego for KubeCon North America today, come say hello at Coin-Op tonight, 5:30pm. Food, drinks, and plenty of high quality pinball

Avishai Ish-Shalom | @nukemberg

Avishai is a Developer Advocate at ScyllaDB based in Tel Aviv, Israel. This cloud systems architect and seasoned software engineer has an active feed that mixes tech and politics.

March 8, 2021Want to *actually* improve the situation? Hire juniors and inexperienced women.Many companies are trying to hire women to improve diversity and diminish the gender gap. Mostly, they are trying to hire experienced women – basically hiring from each other, so zero sum game.— Avishai Ish-Shalom (@nukemberg)

Paul Osman | @paulosman

Paul is an engineer at Honeycomb and formerly of Under Armor, PagerDuty, and SoundCloud. He posts regularly on SRE-related issues, including chaos engineering and team health. Regular posts include those about jobs and job searches in the field.

February 27, 2021— Paul Osman (@paulosman) Has anyone published something like a history of internet architectures? Like, what is the first known deployment of a load balancer? Cache? CDN? Etc. first relational data store backed “dynamic” app? All the way through to current challenges. I think it’d be fascinating to read.

Matthew Huxtable | @matthewhuxtable

An SRE @ZigluMoney based in the UK, Matthew is another contributor to 97 Things Every SRE Should Know edited by @jaimewoo and @EmilStolarksy Follow Matthew for innovation in fintech and insights into the human side of engineering reliable production systems, as well as the code and computing.

December 24, 2020— Matthew Huxtable (@matthewhuxtable) Engineering reliable production systems is fun because it means understanding the behaviours, biases and imperfections of the people who create the conditions for success in that system every day, as much as understanding how the code and computers work (or sometimes, don't).

SRE Advocates at Large

This group of developers is focused on making changes to the profession. From gender and racial inclusivity to team management and support to better training for those new to the profession, these SREs are paving a path to a more inclusive future

Caitie McCaffrey | @caitie

A self-described “backend brat and distributed systems diva”, Caitie often shares insights from her own career journey from IC to Engineering Manager of a 20 person org. This includes recommended books, her findings about distributed systems programming, and shares of the tech hardware she loves.

Over the past 3.5 years I've gone from IC to Engineering Manager of a 20 person org. I put together a list of the books that helped me the most and influenced me along the way.— Caitie McCaffrey (@caitie) Blogged: Recommended Engineering Management Books December 28, 2020

Shala (shah-LAH) | @GiftedLane

Shala shares stories about her code of choice, her own DevNet journey, and links to tech talks and conferences to watch out for. She is also a self-confessed #sneakeraddict.

#DevNetLate nite study. I've missed coding so much. At one time, building programs kept me up all night. I would think of new lines of code to add while trying to doze off. I'd power up the computer to test it out. The next thing I knew – the — Shala (shah-LAH) (@GiftedLane)  was coming up. March 6,

Dr. Nicole Forsgren | @nicolefv

Nicole is the VP of Research and Strategy at GitHub. She has her ear to the ground on all things related to DevOp and SREs, particularly academic research in the area, as well as a fierce interest in diversity in tech. All this achieved with an enjoyable dash of humor and perspective.— dr. nicole forsgren (@nicolefv) February 16, 2021In a job interview, a dude asked me to define DevOps. I did, and he told me I was wrong, citing the State of DevOps Reports — and pulling it out. I rephrased the point he said I was wrong about, and also carefully noted I was the lead on the research.

Sanjeev Sharma | @sd_architect

A speaker at last year’s #SREfromhome, Sanjeev is the author of the popular DevOps Adoption Playbook and an expert in making SRE work for any size of the organization. He is a platform engineer at Truist and a former IBM distinguished engineer. year’s ago today my book became available for sale. What I did not expect was how many people were still buying it four years later AND finding it valuable, keeping the book in the top 100 rank (peaked at #3) on Amazon in it’s category for 4 straight…— Sanjeev Sharma (@sd_architect) February 28, 2021

Brian M. Brophy | @brianmbrophy

Brian is an SRE at Twitter and he frequently discusses diversity and inclusiveness in tech, as well as other HR-related hiring issues. Read the feed for frequent posts and re-tweets on DevOps, technical leadership, and empowerment in the workplace.

Ok this helped— ʎɥdoɹq uɐıɹq (@brianmbrophy) July 26, 2020

Nati Cohen | @nocoot

Nati is a regular speaker at SREcon with an active feed. It’s definitely worth following this feed for news around conferences, calls for proposals, and wider industry issues.

Feeling humbled and excited to have the essay  and I wrote in the upcoming "97 Things Every SRE Should Know"'t wait to read the rest of the essays — Nati Cohen (@nocoot) November 13, 2020

J. Bobby Dorlus | @BobbD_FL Senior

Bobby is a staff site reliability engineer at Twitter. Bobby tweets about SRE and tech issues, diversity in tech, #BlackTechTwitter, and the critical need for firms being willing to create a pipeline for diversity.

November 21, 2020— J. Bobby Dorlus (@BobbyD_FL)  Wise words… #BuildingCharacters

Liz Fong-Jones | @lizthegrey

Fong-Jones is an SRE with over 15 years of experience in the field and is a highly active Twitter user, with over 30,000 followers. She is an advocate at for the SRE and observability communities, with previous experience as an SRE at Google. She is also a developer advocate, labor and ethics organizer, and frequently tweets about workplace issues. Her self-proclaimed goal is to “make developers, operators, and workers as a whole more productive and empowered.”

— Liz Fong-Jones (方禮真) (@lizthegrey) Even if there is work involved to find where those limits are.March 9, 2021It's nice to go from a system where NVMe SSD is the limiting dimension and 95% of the CPU/RAM is wasted, to one that is snug on each dimension and each dimension can independently be resized.

Jennifer Mace | @englishmace

Jennifer’s profile describes her as an “SRE by day, writer by night” and “tea-fueled queer cryptid from the Old World” based out of Seattle. If you like fantasy fiction and site reliability engineering, this is the feed for you.

)— Macey丨Jennifer Mace But Haunted (also: "Guice (pronounced 'juice')" = anyway, shouting about cdrama aside, my ACTUAL job today is to learn more about byzantine Java dependency injection frameworks, and I keep thinking back to ep39 of Serpentcast because this is some NUMINOUS fuckin' witchcraft right here (@englishmace) November 18, 2019

Arshia Mufti | @arshia__

Arshia is an SRE who tweets about both tech and personal topics, often combined, and often with a humorous touch. Arshia often shares coverage of diversity and women in tech.

— arshia (@arshia__) i hate it when engineers embarrass me in front of food bloggers. like jeez be cool manMarch 1, 2021

Niall Murphy | @niallm

Niall is an SRE at Microsoft based out of Dublin. He’s also the instigator/editor/author of the Google SRE book/workbook. Niall covers many SRE and engineering-related issues, including the need for greater diversity.

— Niall Murphy (@niallm) March 8, 2021Operations has wisdom to impart to developers. How the thing really works, what’s needed to keep it going, helping it grow well: all of immediate relevance to those prepared to listen. Cleaning up after yourself requires discipline & isn't flashy, but delivers a better product.

Daniella Niyonkuru | @niyodanie

Daniella is a prod engineer at Shopify and a writer. She was a featured contributor to “97 Things Every SRE Should Know”, recently released by Jaime Woo and Emil Stolarsky. She tweets about SRE work, infra management, and diversity in tech.

February 26, 2021#EmbeddedSystems— Daniella N (@niyodanie) #Simulation   Super happy to announce that baby bot is featured in this article

Sri Ray | @sricola

Srivatsa describes himself as an SRE working “at the intersection of DevOps, security and doing the right thing.” Also, worth following his blog for beautiful pictures and videos from his recent trip around the US’ National Parks. Sri is an active Tweeter and blogger on

February 15, 2021Starting point: SeattleBeginning February 26th, at 3PM PDT, I am taking about a week off from work.First step: (4 hours worth of driving).Its a solo road trip – and while I'd love to take y'all with me, I am going to open source my holiday! Send me somewhere cool!— Srivatsa Ray (@sricola)

Emil Stolarsky | @EmilStolarsky

Emil is co-founder of @IncidentLabsInc. Previously, he has worked at Shopify, focusing on caching, performance, and disaster recovery, as well as at Digital Ocean working on the internal Kubernetes platform. He recently edited 97 Things Every SRE Should Know with @jaimewoo. Emil’s feed focuses on SRE issues (especially the need to see people as the most important part of our systems), mixed in with pop culture and politics.

The 97 Things early release is now live! — Emil Stolarsky (@EmilStolarsky) 13, 2020

Sandy Strong | @st5are

Sandy is an SRE at Twitter with 14+ years of industry. She’s a frequent re-tweeter of SRE-related content and she has a focus on women in tech.

‘s own on the engineering work that goes into successfully preparing for and executing large-scale, highly-visible events! February 22, 2020— Sandy Strong (@st5are) @TwitterSRE thread from one of

Ruth Wong | @ruthgracewong

Ruth is a self-described site reliability engineer by day, manufacturing engineer at night. Ruth regularly talks about general work culture-related topics, such as productivity. most comprehensive, ACTIONABLE list of things you can do to be antiracist, antisexist, etc, at work. thanks  for your thoughtfulness and taking the time to write this up. — Ruth Wong (@ruthgracewong) October 5, 2020

The Fourth Annual SRE Survey and Report

Every spring, Catchpoint releases our SRE Survey and Report. We’d like to hear from all SREs and anyone involved in SRE work before April 1st when the Survey closes. The survey will lead to an in-depth understanding of how SRE teams are organized, the types of workload SREs are doing, how that’s changed since last year, and how automation is being used in SRE work.

[Updated March 2021]

This year, as we run the fourth annual SRE Survey, we decided it was about time to update our list of the top site reliability engineers to follow on Twitter. Last year the list topped out at 50. This year we’ve upped our game – we’ve got 60 on the list! So, grab a coffee, pull up Twitter, and check out these SREs, making noise about DevOps culture, the latest book releases, and the cutting-edge tech they’re excited about.

We’ve loosely categorized these 60 SRE accounts into the following broad categories:

  • SREs in the Cloud
  • SREs, DevOps, ITOps, and Beyond
  • Scaling SRE across Networks, Infrastructure, and More
  • SRE Advocates at Large

SREs in each category are listed in alphabetical order and we’ve included a tease of each SRE’s Twitter feed. Make sure to start following these accounts ASAP! And if you think we’ve missed anyone, please give a shout out to us @Catchpoint – we’d love to hear your recs!

SREs in the Cloud

These SREs share the latest on all things related to the cloud. If you’re looking for tips, best practices, or the latest industry news on cloud computing look no further!

Yaniv Aknin | @aknin

Senior Staff SRE at Google focused on working with GCP teams to define and meet high-quality SLOs. Ankin is a great tweeter of personal anecdotes and opinions about general tech culture. Also, he is a frequent retweeter of trending SRE and service management topics.

Bridget Kromhout | @bridgetkromhout

Bridget, a cloud-native OSS PM at Azure, tweets to over 34,000 followers. Follow Bridget for insights into what’s new in containerization, CNCF initiatives, and diversity issues in and out of tech.

Blake Bisset | @BlakeBisset

Blake Bisset is Head of Reliability Engineering at Azure. He recently contributed to several books, including 97 Things Every SRE Should Know edited by @jaimewoo and @EmilStolarsky and Implementing Service Level Objectives by @ahidalgosre. In his Twitter feed, Blake combines humor with insights into building, deploying, monitoring, and maintaining systems that are secure and reliable.

Caskey Dickson | @caskey

Caskey describes himself as “just a guy trying to help people run things in the cloud.” He focuses on SRE, operations, monitoring, and DevOps with very few personal comments and lots of re-tweeting of prominent folks in the field.

David Blank-Edelman | @otterbook

In his role as Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, David Blank-Edelman focuses on modern operations and site reliability engineering. He’s a frequent speaker on site reliability engineering, most recently at NLUUG. Blank-Edelman was one of the co-founders of SREcon. His Twitter feed yields insights into the latest conferences around SRE and DevOps intermixed with a good dose of humor about travel, kids, and culture.

Gustavo Franco | @stratus

Gustavo Franco is a Google SRE ’07 class member and frequently shares tips for new companies on how to ensure your SRE team is successful.

Brendan Gregg | @brendangregg

Brendan is a cloud computing performance expert at Netflix where he focuses on large-scale computer performance, design, analysis, and tuning. He’s an active author and blogger in the SRE/tech space with a specific focus on Linux and application observability. He has a whopping follower count of 35,000.

Jason Hand | @jasonhand

Jason Hand is the Senior Cloud Ops Advocate at Microsoft and in 2016, was named “DevOps Evangelist of the Year” by He recently authored a book on the topic of site reliability engineering and frequently writes, presents, and coaches on the subject, alongside DevOps and modern incident management practices. He has a great, highly tech-focused feed, followed by over 12,000 people. Plus, Jason is co-host of “Community Pulse,” a podcast on building community in tech.

Alex Hidalgo | @ahidalgosre

Alex is the director of SRE at @nobl9inc and author of The SLO Book. Ex-Google, Squarespace, and “the service industry”.

Addy Osmani | @addyosmani

Addy is an Engineering Manager leading a speed team on Google Chrome, “trying to make the web fast.” Osmani tweets to over 250,000 followers and is widely followed in the SRE community. Follow Addy for a mainly tech-focused feed, often related to metrics.

Chris Schrier | @schrierc

Chris is a Senior SRE at Google and his Twitter feed mixes highlights from the latest DevOps conferences, SRE trending topics, tech-related anecdotes and insights into his life as a parent.

Stephen Thorne | @jerub

Stephen is an SRE in London, where he works on the Google Cloud Platform. Co-editor of the Site Reliability Handbook and a frequent blogger on SRE-related issues.

Seth Vargo | @sethvargo

Seth is an engineer for Google Cloud and an author with a highly active Twitter account with over 18,000 followers. Seth mainly covers SRE-related issues and often highlights zeitgeist trends.

SREs, DevOps, ITOps, and Beyond

“What’s in a name” isn’t a question for these performance-focused experts whose Twitter feeds bridge field divides. Whether your team is going by the name SRE, DevOps, ITOps, or something else, make sure to follow these accounts today.

Mekka Okereke | @mekkaokereke

Tweeting out to almost 26,000 followers, Mekka “My Mask Protects You” Okereke, is the Director of Engineering in Play Growth at Google. He regularly offers insights into best practices in tech, including how to run anonymous code reviews, building inclusive teams, and being a collaborative asset to your org.

Syeda Kauser Inamdar | @codealatte

Syeda is a Software Engineer at LinkedIn and a frequent speaker at tech conferences. Follow Syeda if you love coding, creativity, and cake!

Julia Evans | @b0rk

Author and illustrator of the amazing with a whopping 183,000 follower count. Julia frequently shares news about her latest tools and zines, designed to help SREs, DevOps and programmers better understand a wide array of topics from DNS queries to nginx config files.

John Allspaw | @allspaw

John is the co-founder of @AdaptiveCLabs with the goal of bringing resilience engineering to the industry. He tweets about incident analysis, data and metrics, and building adaptability into complex systems. There’s also the occasional cocktail tip.

Riley Berton | @rileyberton

Berton is the Principal SRE at MLB. He’s been in the game for a while as he was formerly with Circonus and Appnexus. Berton is a heavy re-tweeter of SRE-apposite Tweets.

Tiarnán de Burca | @NYCDubliner

This SRE manager at @Squarespace offers an enjoyable feed that mixes up SRE and DevOps news, wider tech and security issues, and politics.

Steph Hippo | @stephhippo

An SRE Manager at Google, Hippo tweets about site reliability engineering from within the original SRE team, as well as soccer, her very sweet dog and incident management. Sometimes in unique combinations.

Lorin Hochstein | @norootcause

Lorin describes work at Netflix as “putting the engineering in computer science and the science in software eng.” This Twitter feed focuses on resilience, reliability, and monitoring with admirably simple eloquence.

Jonah Horowitz | @jonahhorowitz

As an SRE Manager at Apple and previously at Stripe and Netflix, Jonah tweets about tech and SRE-related topics with a few cat GIFs thrown in for good measure.

Tom Limoncelli | @yesthattom

Tom is an SRE at Stack Overflow, an international speaker, DevOps advocate, author, and blogger in the tech/SRE space. He’s a co-author of two books about systems and cloud administration. His feed mixes up DevOps, SRE, tech, and politics often with a good dose of humor.

Effie Mouzeli | @manjiki

Effie is an SRE for Wikipedia who tweets about general tech news, conference highlights, and automation vs. human management of systems, all with a good dose of humor.

Ana Oprea | @0xa6ea

Ana’s an active tweeter on topics around tech, respect, inclusion, security, and reliability. Also, Oprea’s a co-editor of Building Secure and Reliable Systems for O’Reilly and founder of @BSidesMunich.

Jennifer Petoff | @jennski

Jennifer is a Program Manager for Google’s SRE team in Dublin, Ireland who co-edited the SREBook. A great Twitter feed for students looking for SRE-related opportunities as Jennifer frequently posts about student opportunities with Google and elsewhere.

Theo Schlossnagle | @postwait

An SRE and founder of Circonus, Sparkpost, Omniti, and Fontdeck, Theo is an active speaker at conferences and an active tweeter. His feed mixes tech, politics and work culture that goes out to over 5,000 followers. Prepare for lots of humor.

Charity Majors | @mipsytipsy

Charity is CTO at and formerly of Parse, Facebook, and Linden Lab. She co-wrote Database Reliability Engineering. Charity tweets to an audience of 45,000+ followers about tech-related and service management topics, in particular, “building humane, high performing teams and aligning the incentives of engineers and users.”

Amy Tobey | @MissAmyTobey

Amy is the Staff SRE at Blameless and her account often calls out the difference between site reliability engineering at the huge tech players vs. SMEs and SMBs. She’s a user advocate and an active blogger with a strong presence on GitHub.

Chad Todd | @ctoddkicker1

A self-described “Resilience Engineering Fanatic” and SRE Advocate, Todd’s active Twitter feed mixes human-related and tech stories. He also routinely shares carefully curated insights from the wider SRE community.

Stephanie Van Dyk | @sevandyk

Stephanie’s feed offers a great mix of tech and personal news, often interlinked. She shares insight into computing and DevOps from a fresh POV; case in point, a series of tweets and planned speech linking looms, weavers, and the impact of technology.

Jaime Woo | @jaimewoo

Woo is a co-founder of Incident Labs, a startup focused on best practices for incident management, and an award-nominated writer who has been published in The Globe, Financial Post, and The Advocate. He is a strong presence and regular speaker in the SRE community, as well as a very active Twitter user (with over 5,000 followers). Woo’s account mixes unusual tech tidbits with fiery political energy and personal anecdotes. He’s a keen advocate of discussing better practices to support better mental health in the workplace. He recently edited 97 Things Every SRE Should Know with @EmilStolarsky.

Scaling SRE across Networks, Infrastructure, and More

More services, more problems? Not for these experts who focus on scaling up and across to deliver enhanced performance across increasingly complex systems, networks, and digital architectures.

Tim Kadlec | @tkadlec

OK, Tim may now be working with Catchpoint on WebPageTest, but we can’t help but include him on this list as a leading figure in the SRE space with his healthy Twitter presence and a follower count of over 12,000. Follow Tim for insights into web vitals, performance issues to watch for, and how the Internet works, as well of course as all that’s new for WebPageTest.

Jojo Antonio | @grantsucceeded

Jojo is a Senior Engineering Manager at Twitter and was formerly at Google, YouTube, PayPal, and eBay. He Tweets about Twitter SRE issues and teamwork, mixed in with insights from the Dalai Lama.

Gianluca Arbezzano | @GianArb

Gianluca is a Principal Engineer @EquinixMetal and describes himself as a Docker Captain and CNCF Ambassador. Arbezzano’s active Twitter account typically focuses on containerization, monitoring, and database issues.

— Gianluca (@GianArb) March 8,, I am up to something fun… I can power control my NUC with a RPi…

Tanya Reilly | @whereistanya

Brooklyn-based Principal Engineer at Squarespace, Tanya shares info and insights into SRE work, infrastructure, architecture, teamwork, the direction of tech, and the product engineering world.

You can take an engineer out of SRE but apparently you can't take SRE out of the engineer February 26, 2021— Tanya Reilly (@whereistanya)

George Beech | @GABeech

George leads the IT Automation team at Take-Two Games and is a speaker at LISA, VelocityNYC, local user groups, and LOPSA-EAST. He is also a frequent blogger focusing on the high-volume web infrastructure. Following George promises a Twitter feed that frequently offers strong opinions on SRE and tech-related trends.

I spend more time resolving docker and k8s issues than i every did fighting dependancy hell— George Beech (@GABeech) February 16, 2021

Henri Helvetica | @HenriHelvetica

Henri was a popular speaker at last year’s #SREfromhome. Follow his lively, humorous Twitter feed to gain up-to-the-minute gems on web vitals, Internet resiliency and performance issues of all stripes and sizes.

(@HenriHelvetica) March 12, 2021#webperf #perfmatters — Henri Helvetica v2.0.0 I've been working as a quasi sous-chef on a project, to be served soon, and I'm super duper excited. details sooooon…  @towebperf

**Tammy Butow | @**tammyxbryan

Tammy is the principal SRE at Gremlin where she focuses on “breaking systems on purpose to identify data loss and reliability vulnerabilities.” She has a strong Twitter following of over 12,000 and a friendly feed tweeting about SRE-related issues, especially chaos engineering.

@tammyxbryantChaos Engineering: When The Network Breaks@GremlinInc, Principal SRE @ February 2, 2021"Chaos Engineering is a disciplined approach to identifying failures before they become outages." by — Conf42 (@conf42com)

Nick Craver | @Nick_Craver

Nick’s Twitter profile describes him as a dad and architecture lead at Stack Overflow while his website declares he is a “Software Imagineer.” If you like a Twitter feed with enthusiasm, personality, and flair, join Nick’s 37,000 followers.

March 11, 2021— Nick Craver (@Nick_Craver) I'd estimate hundreds of millions a year are wasted by skipping over the "what problem are we trying to solve?" step, and spinning wheels with copious amounts of uncertainty because you don't know, even at the basic level, what the thing you're building is supposed to improve.

Evan Gilman | @evan2645

Evan Gilman is a former Network Engineer turned SRE at VMware with a background in protocol analysis, distributed systems design, and network security whose passion lies in “designing systems which strike a balance with the network they run on.” Gilman is co-author of Zero Trust Networks, a highly focused tech feed with plenty of industry retweets. looking forward to seeing you there! November 18, 2019— Evan Gilman (@evan2645)  If you find yourself in San Diego for KubeCon North America today, come say hello at Coin-Op tonight, 5:30pm. Food, drinks, and plenty of high quality pinball

Avishai Ish-Shalom | @nukemberg

Avishai is a Developer Advocate at ScyllaDB based in Tel Aviv, Israel. This cloud systems architect and seasoned software engineer has an active feed that mixes tech and politics.

March 8, 2021Want to *actually* improve the situation? Hire juniors and inexperienced women.Many companies are trying to hire women to improve diversity and diminish the gender gap. Mostly, they are trying to hire experienced women – basically hiring from each other, so zero sum game.— Avishai Ish-Shalom (@nukemberg)

Paul Osman | @paulosman

Paul is an engineer at Honeycomb and formerly of Under Armor, PagerDuty, and SoundCloud. He posts regularly on SRE-related issues, including chaos engineering and team health. Regular posts include those about jobs and job searches in the field.

February 27, 2021— Paul Osman (@paulosman) Has anyone published something like a history of internet architectures? Like, what is the first known deployment of a load balancer? Cache? CDN? Etc. first relational data store backed “dynamic” app? All the way through to current challenges. I think it’d be fascinating to read.

Matthew Huxtable | @matthewhuxtable

An SRE @ZigluMoney based in the UK, Matthew is another contributor to 97 Things Every SRE Should Know edited by @jaimewoo and @EmilStolarksy Follow Matthew for innovation in fintech and insights into the human side of engineering reliable production systems, as well as the code and computing.

December 24, 2020— Matthew Huxtable (@matthewhuxtable) Engineering reliable production systems is fun because it means understanding the behaviours, biases and imperfections of the people who create the conditions for success in that system every day, as much as understanding how the code and computers work (or sometimes, don't).

SRE Advocates at Large

This group of developers is focused on making changes to the profession. From gender and racial inclusivity to team management and support to better training for those new to the profession, these SREs are paving a path to a more inclusive future

Caitie McCaffrey | @caitie

A self-described “backend brat and distributed systems diva”, Caitie often shares insights from her own career journey from IC to Engineering Manager of a 20 person org. This includes recommended books, her findings about distributed systems programming, and shares of the tech hardware she loves.

Over the past 3.5 years I've gone from IC to Engineering Manager of a 20 person org. I put together a list of the books that helped me the most and influenced me along the way.— Caitie McCaffrey (@caitie) Blogged: Recommended Engineering Management Books December 28, 2020

Shala (shah-LAH) | @GiftedLane

Shala shares stories about her code of choice, her own DevNet journey, and links to tech talks and conferences to watch out for. She is also a self-confessed #sneakeraddict.

#DevNetLate nite study. I've missed coding so much. At one time, building programs kept me up all night. I would think of new lines of code to add while trying to doze off. I'd power up the computer to test it out. The next thing I knew – the — Shala (shah-LAH) (@GiftedLane)  was coming up. March 6,

Dr. Nicole Forsgren | @nicolefv

Nicole is the VP of Research and Strategy at GitHub. She has her ear to the ground on all things related to DevOp and SREs, particularly academic research in the area, as well as a fierce interest in diversity in tech. All this achieved with an enjoyable dash of humor and perspective.— dr. nicole forsgren (@nicolefv) February 16, 2021In a job interview, a dude asked me to define DevOps. I did, and he told me I was wrong, citing the State of DevOps Reports — and pulling it out. I rephrased the point he said I was wrong about, and also carefully noted I was the lead on the research.

Sanjeev Sharma | @sd_architect

A speaker at last year’s #SREfromhome, Sanjeev is the author of the popular DevOps Adoption Playbook and an expert in making SRE work for any size of the organization. He is a platform engineer at Truist and a former IBM distinguished engineer. year’s ago today my book became available for sale. What I did not expect was how many people were still buying it four years later AND finding it valuable, keeping the book in the top 100 rank (peaked at #3) on Amazon in it’s category for 4 straight…— Sanjeev Sharma (@sd_architect) February 28, 2021

Brian M. Brophy | @brianmbrophy

Brian is an SRE at Twitter and he frequently discusses diversity and inclusiveness in tech, as well as other HR-related hiring issues. Read the feed for frequent posts and re-tweets on DevOps, technical leadership, and empowerment in the workplace.

Ok this helped— ʎɥdoɹq uɐıɹq (@brianmbrophy) July 26, 2020

Nati Cohen | @nocoot

Nati is a regular speaker at SREcon with an active feed. It’s definitely worth following this feed for news around conferences, calls for proposals, and wider industry issues.

Feeling humbled and excited to have the essay  and I wrote in the upcoming "97 Things Every SRE Should Know"'t wait to read the rest of the essays — Nati Cohen (@nocoot) November 13, 2020

J. Bobby Dorlus | @BobbD_FL Senior

Bobby is a staff site reliability engineer at Twitter. Bobby tweets about SRE and tech issues, diversity in tech, #BlackTechTwitter, and the critical need for firms being willing to create a pipeline for diversity.

November 21, 2020— J. Bobby Dorlus (@BobbyD_FL)  Wise words… #BuildingCharacters

Liz Fong-Jones | @lizthegrey

Fong-Jones is an SRE with over 15 years of experience in the field and is a highly active Twitter user, with over 30,000 followers. She is an advocate at for the SRE and observability communities, with previous experience as an SRE at Google. She is also a developer advocate, labor and ethics organizer, and frequently tweets about workplace issues. Her self-proclaimed goal is to “make developers, operators, and workers as a whole more productive and empowered.”

— Liz Fong-Jones (方禮真) (@lizthegrey) Even if there is work involved to find where those limits are.March 9, 2021It's nice to go from a system where NVMe SSD is the limiting dimension and 95% of the CPU/RAM is wasted, to one that is snug on each dimension and each dimension can independently be resized.

Jennifer Mace | @englishmace

Jennifer’s profile describes her as an “SRE by day, writer by night” and “tea-fueled queer cryptid from the Old World” based out of Seattle. If you like fantasy fiction and site reliability engineering, this is the feed for you.

)— Macey丨Jennifer Mace But Haunted (also: "Guice (pronounced 'juice')" = anyway, shouting about cdrama aside, my ACTUAL job today is to learn more about byzantine Java dependency injection frameworks, and I keep thinking back to ep39 of Serpentcast because this is some NUMINOUS fuckin' witchcraft right here (@englishmace) November 18, 2019

Arshia Mufti | @arshia__

Arshia is an SRE who tweets about both tech and personal topics, often combined, and often with a humorous touch. Arshia often shares coverage of diversity and women in tech.

— arshia (@arshia__) i hate it when engineers embarrass me in front of food bloggers. like jeez be cool manMarch 1, 2021

Niall Murphy | @niallm

Niall is an SRE at Microsoft based out of Dublin. He’s also the instigator/editor/author of the Google SRE book/workbook. Niall covers many SRE and engineering-related issues, including the need for greater diversity.

— Niall Murphy (@niallm) March 8, 2021Operations has wisdom to impart to developers. How the thing really works, what’s needed to keep it going, helping it grow well: all of immediate relevance to those prepared to listen. Cleaning up after yourself requires discipline & isn't flashy, but delivers a better product.

Daniella Niyonkuru | @niyodanie

Daniella is a prod engineer at Shopify and a writer. She was a featured contributor to “97 Things Every SRE Should Know”, recently released by Jaime Woo and Emil Stolarsky. She tweets about SRE work, infra management, and diversity in tech.

February 26, 2021#EmbeddedSystems— Daniella N (@niyodanie) #Simulation   Super happy to announce that baby bot is featured in this article

Sri Ray | @sricola

Srivatsa describes himself as an SRE working “at the intersection of DevOps, security and doing the right thing.” Also, worth following his blog for beautiful pictures and videos from his recent trip around the US’ National Parks. Sri is an active Tweeter and blogger on

February 15, 2021Starting point: SeattleBeginning February 26th, at 3PM PDT, I am taking about a week off from work.First step: (4 hours worth of driving).Its a solo road trip – and while I'd love to take y'all with me, I am going to open source my holiday! Send me somewhere cool!— Srivatsa Ray (@sricola)

Emil Stolarsky | @EmilStolarsky

Emil is co-founder of @IncidentLabsInc. Previously, he has worked at Shopify, focusing on caching, performance, and disaster recovery, as well as at Digital Ocean working on the internal Kubernetes platform. He recently edited 97 Things Every SRE Should Know with @jaimewoo. Emil’s feed focuses on SRE issues (especially the need to see people as the most important part of our systems), mixed in with pop culture and politics.

The 97 Things early release is now live! — Emil Stolarsky (@EmilStolarsky) 13, 2020

Sandy Strong | @st5are

Sandy is an SRE at Twitter with 14+ years of industry. She’s a frequent re-tweeter of SRE-related content and she has a focus on women in tech.

‘s own on the engineering work that goes into successfully preparing for and executing large-scale, highly-visible events! February 22, 2020— Sandy Strong (@st5are) @TwitterSRE thread from one of

Ruth Wong | @ruthgracewong

Ruth is a self-described site reliability engineer by day, manufacturing engineer at night. Ruth regularly talks about general work culture-related topics, such as productivity. most comprehensive, ACTIONABLE list of things you can do to be antiracist, antisexist, etc, at work. thanks  for your thoughtfulness and taking the time to write this up. — Ruth Wong (@ruthgracewong) October 5, 2020

The Fourth Annual SRE Survey and Report

Every spring, Catchpoint releases our SRE Survey and Report. We’d like to hear from all SREs and anyone involved in SRE work before April 1st when the Survey closes. The survey will lead to an in-depth understanding of how SRE teams are organized, the types of workload SREs are doing, how that’s changed since last year, and how automation is being used in SRE work.

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