Blog Post

Release Update – Gullfoss

August 25, 2020
 mins read

in this blog post

In today’s Tip of the Day, we will be looking at some of the highlights in our new release: Gullfoss. Named after the spectacular 32 meters waterfall in Iceland, our latest release is no less impressive.

All the Catchpoint releases in 2020 have focused on the GUI, workflows, and getting you the answers you need in as few clicks as possible. With Gullfoss, we’ve added new widgets, new workflows, and per your feedback, made several popular existing widgets available across all our dashboards.

Gullfoss Release Highlights

Highlights in the Gullfoss release include:

  • Explorer Updates – added Synthetic support making Explorer your all-in-one tool for troubleshooting
  • Records (Preview) – several usability/workflow improvements to examine data with fewer clicks
  • Control Center (Preview) – supports RUM apps allowing Synthetic, Endpoint & RUM monitoring from one tool
  • Enterprise Node Updates – SIP Monitor for VoIP, available as a Docker Container/New Chrome 79 Monitor
  • Network Insights – BGP Smartboard “AS” Filter
  • Integrations – SignalFx, Wavefront, Google Stackdriver
  • New Nodes Deployed – Backbone, Last Mile, Public Cloud

New Widgets

For Gullfoss, we’ve both created new widgets and updated existing ones, making them more accessible in all workflows.

One brand new widget we’re excited to share with you is the RUM Bar Chart Visualization, which lets you view or visualize your data in a variety of ways. In this screenshot, we’re looking at the number of page views for specific webpages broken out by city and browser type. If you want to delve deeper, you can select from a wide selection of different metric breakouts to get the exact information you require.

In this next widget, you can see how we’ve incorporated our new User Sentiment feature into the overview dashboard. This gives our customers the opportunity to quickly see what their users are feeling and saying about their product, helping them fully gauge customer experience from a holistic point of view.

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One of the changes to existing widgets is the Total Errors Widget. Previously, this was only available in the “Default Overview” and “Synthetic Overview” dashboards. Once our customers asked us to incorporate it into every dashboard we offer, we were happy to oblige. This widget allows you to filter for specific areas of focus, so you only need to see the errors in areas you are responsible for.

New Workflows

New workflows we’ve added with Gulfoss include the ability to select a specific transaction and immediately navigate to the Waterfall view, as seen above. Since the data is persistent, I can be confident that the data I’m seeing is from the transaction I selected! We call this new workflow, “Dashboard to Waterfall in one click.” The other new workflows are similarly designed to make your experience troubleshooting as quickly and easily as possible.

Gullfoss Release Walkthrough

In today’s video, you will have access to a walkthrough of several of the most significant new widgets and workflows. In these short demos, I show you how to navigate through some of the latest updates and offer an insight into what new capabilities and insights they can offer you.

As I’ve only been able to touch on some of the new and updated features today, I urge you to check out the Release Notes in full to find out everything you need to know about the Gullfoss release.

In today’s Tip of the Day, we will be looking at some of the highlights in our new release: Gullfoss. Named after the spectacular 32 meters waterfall in Iceland, our latest release is no less impressive.

All the Catchpoint releases in 2020 have focused on the GUI, workflows, and getting you the answers you need in as few clicks as possible. With Gullfoss, we’ve added new widgets, new workflows, and per your feedback, made several popular existing widgets available across all our dashboards.

Gullfoss Release Highlights

Highlights in the Gullfoss release include:

  • Explorer Updates – added Synthetic support making Explorer your all-in-one tool for troubleshooting
  • Records (Preview) – several usability/workflow improvements to examine data with fewer clicks
  • Control Center (Preview) – supports RUM apps allowing Synthetic, Endpoint & RUM monitoring from one tool
  • Enterprise Node Updates – SIP Monitor for VoIP, available as a Docker Container/New Chrome 79 Monitor
  • Network Insights – BGP Smartboard “AS” Filter
  • Integrations – SignalFx, Wavefront, Google Stackdriver
  • New Nodes Deployed – Backbone, Last Mile, Public Cloud

New Widgets

For Gullfoss, we’ve both created new widgets and updated existing ones, making them more accessible in all workflows.

One brand new widget we’re excited to share with you is the RUM Bar Chart Visualization, which lets you view or visualize your data in a variety of ways. In this screenshot, we’re looking at the number of page views for specific webpages broken out by city and browser type. If you want to delve deeper, you can select from a wide selection of different metric breakouts to get the exact information you require.

In this next widget, you can see how we’ve incorporated our new User Sentiment feature into the overview dashboard. This gives our customers the opportunity to quickly see what their users are feeling and saying about their product, helping them fully gauge customer experience from a holistic point of view.

A picture containing screenshotDescription automatically generated

One of the changes to existing widgets is the Total Errors Widget. Previously, this was only available in the “Default Overview” and “Synthetic Overview” dashboards. Once our customers asked us to incorporate it into every dashboard we offer, we were happy to oblige. This widget allows you to filter for specific areas of focus, so you only need to see the errors in areas you are responsible for.

New Workflows

New workflows we’ve added with Gulfoss include the ability to select a specific transaction and immediately navigate to the Waterfall view, as seen above. Since the data is persistent, I can be confident that the data I’m seeing is from the transaction I selected! We call this new workflow, “Dashboard to Waterfall in one click.” The other new workflows are similarly designed to make your experience troubleshooting as quickly and easily as possible.

Gullfoss Release Walkthrough

In today’s video, you will have access to a walkthrough of several of the most significant new widgets and workflows. In these short demos, I show you how to navigate through some of the latest updates and offer an insight into what new capabilities and insights they can offer you.

As I’ve only been able to touch on some of the new and updated features today, I urge you to check out the Release Notes in full to find out everything you need to know about the Gullfoss release.

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