

A Google internal study, as mentioned in the video below, revealed that even large brands struggle to maintain web performance, with 40% experiencing regression within six months.

This underscores the challenge facing smaller or mid-sized companies with limited budgets and resources. While most organizations at least monitor their website’s uptime, many still rely on manual processes and an ad hoc approach to web performance management.  

Analyzing the best practices of successful digital companies, a clear five-level maturity model for website performance management becomes evident, ranging from reactive to preventative.  

Introducing the Web Performance Maturity Model  

web performance maturity model

Moving the needle from manual methods of web performance management to adopting a more preventative posture is no small task. It requires internal buy-in, tool and process reviews, and an emphasis on making work better for all your users – your employees as well as your customers.  

In this guide, we’ll share the essential steps for organizations to achieve web maturity, best practices to achieve this, and Catchpoint capabilities you can leverage to optimize your websites performance and achieve resilience.

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